With more than 4 million players in France since 2013, Soccer-5 has become one of the most famous football activity worldwide. Find out more about the high-end Metalu Plast Soccer-5 fields: custom-made, French manufactured and certified “Origine France Garantie”.

Soccer-5 or 5 a-side soccer, is a way of playing football with 2 teams of 5 players. The reduced dimensions field enables a playful, smooth and dynamic game, both indoor or outdoor.
Everyone can play Soccer-5, with friends, family or during after-works. Amateur football clubs that do not have the possibility to train on a synthetic field during the winter season can use soccer-5 fields.
The high-end Metalu Plast fields
Metalu Plast soccer-5 fields can be installed both indoor or outdoor, either individually or next to other soccer fields.
A field is made of:
- 4 x 2 m (other sizes on request) white plastic-coated galvanized steel goals with lugs and 50 mm mesh nets in compliance with the FFF standards,
- an enclosure made of 80 x 80 mm galvanized steel square posts with struts for outdoor installations and a lanyard system for an indoor use,
- a 1 m height sandwich panel infill on the lower part,
- a net infill on top of the enclosure up to 4 m height (4 m net infill + 1 m palisade).
The Metalu Plast Soccer-5 field is a qualitative and custom-made product.

The Metalu-Plast pluses
Metalu Plast guides you through all the steps of your project with:
- Custom-made manufacturing,
- A color chart including more than 20 colors,
- Either direct or on plate sealing,
- A compliance with the Code of sport and FFF standard to enable a playful game in a secure and certified place,
- A possible customization of the goals dimensions and the net mesh,
- A structure with the certification label “Origine France Garantie”.
Colors, net mesh, height of the net infill… all these variables enable us to provide you with a wide range of possible installations for all your projects.
For any complementary information on our Soccer-5 installations, please refer to your sales consultant at 0033 2 31 23 22 00 from monday to friday from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m and from 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. except on fridays until 5.00 p.m. Our advisors would be pleased to give you support with your project.
To find out more, we invite you to consult this video presentation uploaded by the French Federation of Football.